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Shipping Policy

Shipping country
Andream offers free shipping to EU countries, United States, Russia, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and South Korea.

We offer standard free international shipping

Handling time
After receiving your order, we will send the package to you within 3 working days.

Transit time
For EU countries, the shipment will arrive within 3-7 working days, depending on our shipping warehouse location and logistics status.
For other countries, the shipment will arrive within 7-20 working days.

We guarantee the safest logistics for you.

If you choose to ship from China, the seller will be responsible for paying taxes. You do not need to pay any customs duties when the goods are delivered to you.

If you choose to ship from Germany, your order may be subject to customs duties or import tariffs once the package arrives at the destination country.
According to laws and regulations, these fees need to be paid by the recipient, and we cannot control the specific amount because the customs policies and import tariffs of various countries vary greatly. Customs duties are charged as a percentage of the total value of the goods. The specific proportion will vary depending on the policy of the shipping country, but on average it is between 3% and 9%.
We generally try to reduce the declared value of the package to reduce taxes, but you may still need to pay a small amount of customs fees. The proportion in this case is about 1%, so you don't have to worry.

Shipping Partners
The logistics operators used are: 4PX, DHL, CNE and UPS. We promise to deliver the goods to the destination with the fastest and safest shipping method.
Please check the logistics status through the following website.

Errors and Omissions in Shipping
We do our best to ensure that the goods arrive safely in the hands of customers.
If you find any omissions or damage during the delivery process, please keep the outer packaging in time and contact us by email ([email protected]) or courier to provide evidence.
If the logistics information shows a receipt, but you have not received your goods, please contact your local logistics service provider (local post) in time. And provide us with the corresponding evidence, we will make an inquiry for you.
All claims for loss, damage or delay must be made within twenty (20) days after the delivery date or the delivery date that should have occurred.
Generally, we will provide you with a solution within 60 days.